European Union

Programs and Computer Games semester 1 ONLINE (Scratch)
Scratch is ready to show us the wonderful world of programming. By learning the basic and advanced concepts, we will start our journey as a real programmer. Various adventures await us in the world where Wither and Steve live, but also on the Angry Birds Island or the Forza Horizon tracks.
The programming basics are implemented in the Scratch language. It is an educational language, created as a tool to teach children the basics of coding. It enables easy creation of interactive stories, animations or games. Coding is done in a visual way - elements of the language are in the shape of puzzles, which arranged in a proper way create a working program or game. Part of the classes is designed to program applications for the Android platform in App Inventor language. Since the second semester other languages and platforms are introduced, such as KODU (creating 3D games) and Python with Minecraft. Our online class is NOT a webinar or a Youtube course! During our online classes each student will see the teacher's screen, hear what he or she is saying, and the teacher will have an insight into what the student is doing and speaking (he or she will see each student's screen). Each student will be able to ask a question by voice, the teacher will be able to answer every question and indicate exactly where the error is and how to fix it.
Plan of the course
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Enrollment & Schedule